Research and Teaching Assistant at the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the Bergische University of Wuppertal
Application of FE Program SOFiSTiK in Structural Engineering (master)
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Exposed to Fire as a scope of Fire Safety and Evacuation (master)
Theory of Plate and Shell Structures (master)
Safety Concepts (master)
Stability (master)
Statics 1 and 2 (bachelor)
Conducted seminars at Chamber of Engineers in North Rhine-Westphalia:
04/2017 – Experience for hot design of tunnel structures, Düsseldorf
06/2016 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures, Dortmund
04/2019 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures, Düsseldorf
04/2021 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures (web-seminar)
05/2022 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures, Düsseldorf
Anders, S., Goldack, A., Müller, N.; Fracture properties in compression – determination of a compressive fracture energy using digital image correlation technique; The Eleventh International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS – 11, Bangalore, India, September 2023.
Pouran, O.; Comparison of Behavior of Steel free-standing Chimneys with Unfired Standing Pressure Vessel; CICIND Report from 98th Conference, Florence, 17-20 May 2023, 170-175.
Montag, U., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of one-way reinforced concrete ribbed slabs using different assessment methods; In: ASFE 21, Conference Ljubljana, 10th -11th June 2021 (web-conference).
Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures; Web-seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Düsseldorf, 30. April 2021.
Harte, R., Stopp, K., Müller, N.; Konzeption und Aufbau einer standardisierten Beispieldatenbank für softwaregestützte Tragwerksberechnung in Anlehnung an VDI 6201 für den Einsatz von Statik-Software in BIM-basierten Prozessketten: Abschlussbericht, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart, May 2020.
Pouran, O., Anders, S., Harte, R., Montag, U.; Influence of Variation of Concrete Compressive Strength on the Bending Response of a Cut-and-cover Tunnel Structure Considering Results of Small-scale Tests at Elevated Temperatures.; In: Proceedings of the international conference of applications of structural fire engineering (ASFE 2019), Singapore, 13-14 June 2019, P67.
Pouran, O., Harte, R., Montag, U.; Thermal Actions and Effects in Persistent and Fire Design Situations on Reinforced Concrete Structures.; In: CICIND Report from 91st Conference, Madrid, 8-11 May 2019, 65-71.
Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures.; Seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Düsseldorf, 10. April 2019.
Pouran, O., Harte, R.; Influence of Heating Rate and Thermal Incompatibilities on the Test Results of Concrete Cylinder Specimens with Polypropylene Fibers under Heating.; Proc. ASFE ’17 – Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, University of Manchester, September 7-8, 2017, 63-72.
Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures.; Seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Duisburg, 22. June 2017.
Pouran, O., Harte, R., Peter, C.; Parameters Affecting the Structural Analysis of a Tunnel Structure Exposed to Fire.; Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, Vol. 7, 2017, 48-52.
Pouran, O., Harte, R.; A Simplified Method to Design Cooling Tower Shells for Fire Situation.; In: Industrial Chimneys & Cooling Towers. Proc. of International Conference ICCT2016, Rotterdam/Netherlands, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2016, 353- 362.
Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Brandschutzbemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen.; Seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Dortmund, 22. June 2016.
Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Comparison of Design and Analysis of Cooling Towers and Concrete Chimneys.; Journal of the IASS, Vol. 57, No. 1 (2016), 25-33.
Pouran, O., Harte, R., Peter, C.; Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Cut-And-Cover Tunnels Exposed to Fire.; In: Proc. of Applications of Structural Fire Engineering ASFE’15, Dubrovnik, 2015, 43-48.
Harte, R., Kaemmer, K., Pouran, O.; Zur Berechnung und Bemessung von Kühltürmen und Industrieschornsteinen.; In: R. Höffer, R., N. Hölscher (Hrsg.): Festschrift Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Niemann. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2015, 67-75.
Pouran, O., Harte, R.; Nonlinear Structural Analysis of a 2D Cut-And-Cover Tunnel Exposed to Fire.; In: Y. Petryna, F. Vogdt (Hrsg.): Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2015, Döllnsee/Schorfheide, 15.-19. September 2015, 26-27.
Pouran, O., Harte, R.; Thermal Effects in Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures.; In: Proc. of Annual Conference on Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Stable Environment ACRCEAS 2015, Tehran/Iran, December 15, 2015, 117-118.
Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Interaction and Intersection in Research and Development of Cooling Towers and Concrete Chimneys.; International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys and Cooling Towers ICCT 2014, S. 199-208, Prague/Czech Republic, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, October 8-11, 2014.