Analysis and Structural Design at Elevated Temperatures, Member and Material Tests
RevoMann specializes in the structural design of complex structures, particularly
those combining shell, plate, and beam elements. Our approach involves the careful
application of advanced methods, such as the finite element method, requiring a
deep understanding of both modeling and structural engineering principles.
Our primary focus in designing industrial and specialized structures includes various types of containers, cooling towers, industrial chimneys, platforms, pressure vessels, silos, spiral staircases, tanks, and diverse foundation types as well as complex industrial
supporting systems
Our emphasis in structural fire design extends from thermal analysis to evaluating
structural performance using different design methods, particularly for cases not
covered by codes or where simplified methods lack economic viability.
We also coordinate and collaborate in fire safety and design projects as well as
member and material tests at elevated temperatures with our partners from practice
and academia in the following subjects:
– Tests for materials exposed to elevated temperatures;
– Tests for members exposed to elevated temperatures;
– Passive and active fire design;
– Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and fire modeling.
RevoMann specializes in addressing special challenges in structural engineering, including:
– Nonlinear crack development of concrete;
– Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete foundations with piles or anchors;
– Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures at elevated temperatures above
– Eigenfrequency analysis and response of structures;
– Seismic analysis of asymmetric reinforced concrete structures using 3D-models;
– Seismic analysis of steel structures using 3D-models;
– Buckling analysis of plate and shell structures using FE;
– Buckling analysis of steel cross-sections at elevated temperatures;
– Connection design;
– Nonlinear analysis of steel structures (plastic design);
– Thermal stress analysis of industrial installations and their components;
– …
We actively conduct, collaborate on, and coordinate research projects with partners
from both industry and research facilities . Our research spans:
– Structural and behavioral performance of structure, member, or interaction between two or multiple structures;
– Investigation and comparison on behavior of industrial structures such as chimneys, cooling towers, silos, standing pressure vessels and underground tanks;
– Fire design: from material and member fire tests to numerical investigation and
implementation into practice.
At RevoMann, we tailor solutions to our clients’ needs, aiming to automate structural calculations and provide user-friendly interfaces for design and quality control engineers. Our scope also extends to automating workflows and developing IT solutions for companies, with a primary focus on architectural and structural design,as well as material
production or verifications.
Upon customer demand, we possess the technical capability to develop customized automation and various IT solutions tailored to the special
requirements of businesses and organizations.
This includes the development of new solutions and seamless integration with existing services in the market.